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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shama-il Tirmidhi Chapter 31 Hadith 200

Nazzaal ibn Sabrah rahmatullahi alaihe says that while he was with Sayyidina Ali in the courtyard (of the Masjid at Kufah), water was brought in a clay pot to him. He took some water in his palms, washed his hands, gargled his mouth, put water in his nose (cleaned it), then made masah of his face, hands and head. Thereafter he stood and drank from it. Then said, This is the wudhu of a person who is in a state of wudhu. I had observed Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam perform (wudhu) in this manner.

This hadith is mentioned in brief. The full narration is mentioned in Mishkat from Bukhari. In this hadith it may be possible that in reality he only made masah of the face, hands, etc. And did not actually wash them. To call this wudhu will be metaphorical.

The feet are not mentioned here but presumably he did masah of them also.

Another elucidation may be that in this hadith the washing of the limbs lightly has been metaphorically explained as masah.

This explanation is supported by some narrations where, instead of masah, washing of the face and hands and also the washing of the feet is mentioned. In this case the renewal of wudhu is meant. This exposition is best according to this humble servant.

We also find from this hadith that it is permissible to stand and drink the left over water after wudhu. The permissibility of drinking this water and the water of Zam-zam while standing is mentioned in the kitaabs of fiqh (jurisprudence). Allaamah Shaami has mentioned the experience of some Ulama that it is a tested and proved antidote for diseases. Mulla Ali Qari has mentioned this act as meritorious in the commentary of the Shamaail.

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