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Monday, November 14, 2011

Shama-il Tirmidhi Chapter 32 Hadith 212

Jarir bin Abdullah Bajali radiyallahu anhu reports, I was presented to Umar (for an inspection). Jarir threw off his top shawl and walked in his lungi only (so that he could be inspected). Umar told him to take his top sheet (put it on) and address the people saying: I did not see anyone more handsome than Jarir besides what we have heard of Yusuf As-Siddiqe alaihis salaam.

What we heard of Yusuf As-Siddiqe alaihis salaam shows that he must have been more handsome and beautiful than Sayyidina Jarir radiyallahu anhu. Otherwise it seems there was none more handsome than him (Sayyidina Jarir alaihis salaam). Sayyidina Umar radiyallahu anhu was making a detailed inspection of the army at the time of jihaad. Every soldier was inspected and Sayyidina Jarir radiyallahu anhu was among them. There are a few difficulties in this narration. But shall be omitted to keep the subject short. One of these difficulties is, that the beauty and handsomeness of Sayyidina Yusuf alaihis salaam is exempted here. We can openly say that the handsomeness of Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam was more than that of Sayyidina Yusuf alaihis salaam. By not mentioning this, the handsomeness of Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam is obviously exempted. Shah Waliyullah Dehlawi has mentioned that the handsomeness of Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam was hidden. The other question is, what relevance has this narration with this chapter? An answer to this is that fragrance is a part of beauty. The more handsome the person, the more fragrance will be emitted from that person’s clothing and body. It is an accepted fact that Sayyidina Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihe wasallam was the handsomest among the creation, and it is an accepted fact that he was the most glittering among the moons, therefore a sweet fragrance emitting from him is natural.

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